Gary Payton Seattle deserves a team. They got robbed of their basketball team. – Gary Payton Basketball Quotes Deserves Quotes Robbed Quotes Seattle Quotes Team Quotes As people know in coaching, you can get fired and hired just like that. It’s just a great honor to even be associated with the Hall of Fame and get in. If I eventually do make it, it will be a great honor, and I don’t care if it’s the first or second time because it’s an honor for anyone to make the Hall of Fame.
Kenny Smith My situation in Houston is like night and day compared to Atlanta. This system fits my game, and the team has confidence in me to get the job done. – Kenny Smith
Nathalie Emmanuel I would love to do more work in the States, but I like working at home in the U.K., so to work here and there would be the plan. – Nathalie Emmanuel
Brian Eno You either believe that people respond to authority, or that they respond to kindness and inclusion. I’m obviously in the latter camp. I think that people respond better to reward than punishment. – Brian Eno
Steve Prefontaine Every once in a while I think, ‘What am I doing out here running, busting myself up? Life could be so much easier. The other guys are out having fun, doing other things, why not me?’ – Steve Prefontaine
Peter Welch If you ask the question of Americans, should we pay our bills? One hundred percent would say yes. There’s a significant misunderstanding on the debt ceiling. People think it’s authorizing new spending. The debt ceiling doesn’t authorize new spending; it allows us to pay obligations already incurred. – Peter Welch
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