Mary Lambert Self-care is the number one solution to helping somebody else. If you are being good to yourself and your body and your psyche, that that serves other people better because you will grow strong enough to life someone else up. – Mary Lambert Body Quotes Grow Quotes Helping Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes Psyche Quotes Selfcare Quotes Serves Quotes Solution Quotes Strong Quotes I’m not saying everybody has a social responsibility of what art they create, but art should be open-ended. I just feel there’s a lack of consciousness and understanding of impact and reach. Just maybe, for a second, just think of the effect you could have with a lyric. Even when I’m in a really great, steady and stable place… I’m clinically bipolar, so that always exists – a darkness always exists.
Robert Baden-Powell The method of instruction in Scouting is that of creating in the boy the desire to learn for himself. – Robert Baden-Powell
James Gleick Scientifically, information is a choice – a yes-or-no choice. In a broader sense, information is everything that informs our world – writing, painting, music, money. – James Gleick
Porsha Williams When I get emotional I lean on music to help me get through hard times and I use music to express when I’m in a good place. – Porsha Williams
Mark Pincus My only agenda is, I would like to see mainstream America more empowered to set an agenda. – Mark Pincus
Jonathan Coe My only regret is that I signed away the world rights and in America they’ve been far and away my most successful books, but I never saw a cent from any of it. – Jonathan Coe
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