Johannes P Muller Sensation is not the conduction of a quality or state of external bodies to consciousness, but the conduction of a quality or state of our nerves to consciousness, excited by an external cause. – Johannes P Muller Bodies Quotes Conduction Quotes Consciousness Quotes Excited Quotes External Quotes Nerves Quotes Quality Quotes Sensation Quotes He who feels compelled to consider the consequences of these facts cannot but realize that the specific sensibility of nerves for certain impressions is not enough, since all nerves are sensitive to the same cause but react to the same cause in different ways. The sense organs experience the external light, sound, etc. with difficulty; the different sense organs only have a so-called specific receptivity for particular stimuli.
Julianne Moore There was a period of time in America where the advertising world actually went to the housewives of America and had them write jingles that would appeal to them. It was actually brilliant marketing. – Julianne Moore
Alan Casden Ask anybody who has ever remodeled their house. There’s always problems. They open up walls, they find this, they find that. There is always something. I’m in a business where you have to control those variables. – Alan Casden
Carl Hubbell Besides, there were 50,000 fans or more there, and they wanted to see the best you’ve got. There was an obligation to the people, as well as to ourselves, to go all out. – Carl Hubbell
Bridgit Mendler There’s a reason why bullying takes such a strong form online. People don’t have to push back as much as they would in real life. – Bridgit Mendler
AttitudeChristmasGemma Arterton My mother, she had a very good attitude toward money. I’m very grateful for the fact that we had to learn to save. I used to get like 50 pence a week, and I’d save it for like five months. And then I’d spend it on Christmas presents. I’d save up like eight pounds. It’s nothing, but we did that. – Gemma Arterton
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