John Muir Sequoia seeds have flat wings, and glint and glance in their flight like a boy’s kite. – John Muir Boys Quotes Flat Quotes Flight Quotes Glance Quotes Glint Quotes Kite Quotes Seeds Quotes Sequoia Quotes Wings Quotes When California was wild, it was the floweriest part of the continent. All the world lies warm in one heart, yet the Sierra seems to get more light than other mountains. The weather is mostly sunshine embellished with magnificent storms, and nearly everything shines from base to summit – the rocks, streams, lakes, glaciers, irised falls, and the forests of silver fir and silver pine.
Paolo Bacigalupi I have friends who are science journalists, and I’m seeing stories of theirs or talking with them about ideas that they’re pitching. Certain kinds of science are around me all the time, like climate change and biology. – Paolo Bacigalupi
Saswata Chatterjee I still can’t get over Sushant Singh Rajput’s demise. I got to work with him in ‘Dil Bechara.’ He was such a jovial and promising guy with no starry tantrums. – Saswata Chatterjee
Barbara BoxerEnvironmental We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight – the fight for electoral justice. – Barbara Boxer
Dean OrnishDiet If you’re at high risk or are trying to reverse heart disease or prevent the recurrence of cancer, you probably need to make bigger changes in diet and lifestyle than someone who just wants to lose a few pounds and is otherwise healthy. If you just want to lower your cholesterol, weight or blood pressure, begin by making moderate changes. – Dean Ornish
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