Madison Keys Setting a goal, accomplishing it, and feeling good about yourself can help build confidence and perseverance. – Madison Keys Accomplishing Quotes Build Quotes Confidence Quotes Feeling Quotes Goal Quotes Perseverance Quotes Setting Quotes My nerves tend to dissipate once the match starts. When I know I’ve practiced as much as I can and I do my best and leave it all out there, I feel OK no matter what happens. I would like to think I can win a trophy or two, but the main thing for me is to focus on consistency.
Lisa Joy The great thing about fiction is you can talk about things without being didactic about them, but hopefully forge a connection with people and an understanding about a shared humanity that tells its own story. – Lisa Joy
Shakin' Stevens I had success in Canada, all through Europe, Poland, Czechoslovakia. – Shakin’ Stevens
Bob Filner If the President really wanted to know exactly how Rove and Libby were involved, he could walk down to their offices and demand that they answer him honestly. – Bob Filner
ChristmasMacaulay Culkin I do have a family, and I do have friends, and so-called friends, and acquaintances, and many other people I see only around Christmas time. Maybe they could vouch for me. Maybe they could testify to my existence and save a part of me that thinks I’m no better than a bag of potato chips. – Macaulay Culkin
RJ Mitte Anything you rely on can become a crutch. And disabled or not, when you rely on something, that is what will cripple you. – RJ Mitte
Andrea Hirata Writing is taking a risk, and it is actually fighting invisible and invincible enemies. They are over-confidence, stupidity, expectation and narcissism. – Andrea Hirata
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