Finn Wolfhard Sewer rats are really gross. – Finn Wolfhard Gross Quotes Rats Quotes Sewer Quotes I’m not a big radio listener. There’s a band from Brooklyn called Frankie Cosmos, which is very nice.
Paul Romer We live in a much more interconnected world now, and that means that it’s more fragile than we realize. – Paul Romer
Jani LanePatriotism People can call us chauvinist pigs. We expect it. But there are two definitions of chauvinism. One is an unfounded loyalty to one’s own sex. We don’t have that. The other definition is having a fanatical patriotism toward women. And we do. So go ahead and say we’re chauvinists. – Jani Lane
Cameron Crowe I always loved movies, but I never thought I would presume to be a screenwriter and definitely not a director. – Cameron Crowe
Jose Antonio Vargas Since I got to this country when I was 12, I’ve been obsessed with this idea of whiteness and blackness because I realized I was neither. For me, it was so important to me to make a film that focused on whiteness because you wouldn’t have blackness if you didn’t have whiteness. – Jose Antonio Vargas
Jack DorseyRespect It’s a matter of invitations versus context. Twitter is really good at providing context, like, I’m having coffee at Third Rail Coffee.’ Foursquare is about invitations to places. In this respect Foursquare has started to replace Yelp for me. – Jack Dorsey
Katherine Dunham Don’t think you are going to go on forever because you are not and begin to plan something that will compensate as you reduce your capacities to leap or turn on this or that or the other, begin thinking of something else. – Katherine Dunham
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