Suniel Shetty Shah Rukh is a one-man industry. You have to accept that and salute him. – Suniel Shetty Accept Quotes Industry Quotes Oneman Quotes Rukh Quotes Salute Quotes Shah Quotes When the audience comes out of the theatre, they should remember your role and appreciate you for it. They should not forget you. Critics matter to me.
SpaceSubrahmanyan Chandrasekhar The black holes of nature are the most perfect macroscopic objects there are in the universe: the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time. – Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Moshe Vardi We cannot blindly pursue the goal of machine intelligence without pondering its consequences. – Moshe Vardi
Jupiter Hammon When I was at Hartford in Connecticut, where I lived during the war, I published several pieces which were well received, not only by those of my own colour, but by a number of the white people, who thought they might do good among their servants. – Jupiter Hammon
Michael Portillo If a prince marries a foreign princess, one to the manner born, he is being snobbish and old-fashioned. If he chooses a Diana or a Fergie, glamorous outsiders, they may never adapt to the restrictions of being Royal, with calamitous results. – Michael Portillo
Clive Owen When you are shooting action, there is a satisfying thing because your objectives are very clear. – Clive Owen
Eric Adams As our city and country begin the long, rocky road of recovery from COVID, we still must avoid the pitfalls of another deadly public health crisis: gun violence. – Eric Adams
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