Larry J Sabato Shockingly, the Bidens donated under $1,000 to all charities combined every year for the ten years prior to 2008. – Larry J Sabato Bidens Quotes Charities Quotes Combined Quotes Donated Quotes Prior Quotes Shockingly Quotes I doubt God would want to touch America’s tax code, since it is already located in the third rung of Hell. Because of the structure of the contemporary American party system, every president is polarizing.
Ron Conway I couldn’t care less who is mad at me as long as the entrepreneur comes out ahead. – Ron Conway
DeathGreatJames Dean If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he’s dead, then maybe he was a great man. – James Dean
Nick Boles We should pass legislation to restrict social housing to people who have been resident in the U.K. for at least five years, so that the right to social housing becomes something that you earn after a sustained commitment to British society. – Nick Boles
Alfred Russel Wallace As well might it be said that, because we are ignorant of the laws by which metals are produced and trees developed, we cannot know anything of the origin of steamships and railways. – Alfred Russel Wallace
Lara Trump You can have all the money in the world, but if you’re not a good candidate, it doesn’t matter. – Lara Trump
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