Francis Collins So much of what we are currently seeing as far as human suffering and misery comes from diseases that should have been preventable but were not. – Francis Collins Diseases Quotes Human Quotes Misery Quotes Preventable Quotes Suffering Quotes If you are looking for a needle in a haystack, and somebody has already cataloged all the straw in the haystack, when you get to that needle you will recognize it’s different than what was supposed to be there based on all that computerized haystack information that had been predetermined for you. We give our kids vaccinations. That’s a biological enhancement that’s considered not just acceptable but actually admirable.
Bruce Broussard Health should be easy. The good news is that, through the increasing use of mobile devices with their real-time networking capabilities and by addressing health collaboratively in our communities, we’re accelerating the ‘democratization of health care.’ – Bruce Broussard
Evan Fournier I enjoy winning. I just think it’s just how I was brought up from a fighters’ family. – Evan Fournier
Jeff Beck I like an element of chaos in music. That feeling is the best thing ever, as long as you don’t have too much of it. – Jeff Beck
George Stephanopoulos The President has kept all of the promises he intended to keep. – George Stephanopoulos
Kate Middleton By far the best dressing up outfit I ever had was a wonderful pair of clown dungarees, which my Granny made. – Kate Middleton
Andrew GarfieldMovies America always seemed to me this foreign land that I imagined I could escape to if I needed to get away – and I think that came both from the fact that I was born there and from watching so many American movies when I was a kid. – Andrew Garfield
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