Octavio Paz Social criticism begins with grammar and the re-establishing of meanings. – Octavio Paz Criticism Quotes Grammar Quotes Meanings Quotes Reestablishing Quotes Social Quotes Love is an attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual. The characteristic feature of modernity is criticism: what is new is set over and against what is old, and it is this constant contrast that constitutes the continuity of tradition.
Margot Lee Shetterly The black experience isn’t exclusively slavery/civil rights/Obama. – Margot Lee Shetterly
Cate Campbell My job isn’t to create history; it’s to go out there and perform at my best. – Cate Campbell
Black Thought Lots of people are saying that I shut down mumble rap in one 10-minute setting. But that wasn’t my intention, because mumble rap – if we go back – that’s something I invented. – Black Thought
Eliot Engel We stand with the people of Taiwan and their democratic ways, and I am proud to be a part of reaffirming the unwavering commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act by the United States Congress. – Eliot Engel
Pete Townshend The bad part about growing older is I’m going bald. The good part is my nose seems to be getting shorter. – Pete Townshend
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