Alain Prost Some Italians are geniuses, but you have to find a balance. – Alain Prost Balance Quotes Geniuses Quotes Italians Quotes You want to have fun but you also want to work well. Sometimes I was quite happy at Ferrari, because we would have fun, but then they could not stop having fun and go back to the real work. Sometimes I think I could have got some better results if I had a different mentality; if I could have pushed hard and attacked. But then I would have had a good chance of making a mistake.
Jamie Anderson I grew up watching my sisters and seeing kids at the local mountain hit jumps. After I hit my first jump, I knew this was something I was going to pursue. – Jamie Anderson
Maia Mitchell I play guitar, so that’s kind of my outlet, but its just something I want to keep for myself. – Maia Mitchell
Homer Hickam I ate supper after Dad saw the evening shift down the shaft, and I went to sleep to the ringing of a hammer on steel and the dry hiss of an arc welder at the little tipple machine shop during the hoot-owl shift. – Homer Hickam
David HepworthFriendship Anyone born in the year 1950 who grew to fancy themselves as a soulful 18-year-old bought ‘Songs of Leonard Cohen’ upon its original release in 1968. For many of them, it was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. – David Hepworth
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau The composition of a single melody is born out of a bit of text, perhaps the first line, but it can also be the entire strophe; it can even be the poem’s overall form. – Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
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