FriendshipPoetryVirginia Woolf Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends. – Virginia Woolf Friends Quotes People Quotes Poetry Quotes Priests Quotes Virginia Woolf Quotes Politics has friendship, enmity, intrigue and even humour. Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.
Eazy-EPolitics We’re not into politics at all. We’re just saying what other people are afraid to say. – Eazy-E
Hugo Lloris You have a personality inside the pitch and off the pitch and in the changing room, too. The most important thing is to be respected by your teammates, and that’s the case at Tottenham. – Hugo Lloris
Octavia Spencer If you go through life, and you don’t find the beauty in an unexpected place, then you really have a sad existence. – Octavia Spencer
CarSusie Wolff Coming to new environments, people look at you and think, ‘what’s this blonde lady doing, she thinks she can drive a racing car.’ But you work hard, keep your head down and show that you’re actually capable. – Susie Wolff
Sydney Wayser Bell Choir Coast’ is about a fictional land where I was able to start over, discover myself, and learn to take life a lot less seriously. – Sydney Wayser
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