Allyson Schwartz Some people have called me pushy. Well, I call it determined. – Allyson Schwartz Called Quotes Determined Quotes People Quotes Pushy Quotes And as you point out, for American families who struggle every day to figure out how do they pay, we talk about gasoline prices. That throws budgets into a real problem when you have budgeted really tight. I applaud the American Cancer Society for all they do to eradicate smoking. Their local, state and national efforts help to discourage young people from taking up this deadly habit and the resources they provide have helped numerous smokers quit.
ImaginationJoshua Oppenheimer I think Direct Cinema’s trying to be insightful by looking at reality in a very close way while, in fact, much more is staged than we like to think. In cinema verite, it’s about trying to make something invisible visible – the role of fantasy and imagination in everyday life. – Joshua Oppenheimer
Michelle Bachelet Having more women in company boards, in senior management, supervisory positions and workers in the formal sector is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. It’s good for the bottom line. – Michelle Bachelet
Keith Ellison If you can make a movie, make one. If you can sing a song, sing it. If you can write a play, write it. If you want to run for office, run. But do something to make this world a better place. – Keith Ellison
Shawn Mendes You can’t get too comfortable and relax, because your world can flip overnight. – Shawn Mendes
Charles Morgan There are moments, above all on June evenings, when the lakes that hold our moons are sucked into the earth, and nothing is left but wine and the touch of a hand. – Charles Morgan
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