John Lanchester Some things get clearer as you look back on them. – John Lanchester Clearer Quotes I write non-fiction quicker, and I write it on a computer. Fiction I write longhand, and that helps make it clear that it comes from a slightly different part of the brain, I think. We can all instinctively understand the idea of life insurance; most of us will feel an instinctive repugnance at the thought of the viatical industry, or ‘dead peasants insurance.’ As market thinking penetrated the life insurance industry, a moral line was crossed, and the application of market ideas was taken too far.
Chinua Achebe They have not always elected the best leaders, particularly after a long period in which they have not used this facility of free election. You tend to lose the habit. – Chinua Achebe
Armaan Malik I like Badshah’s songs, as they are very cool, catchy, and very young. I think that’s very important… It’s connecting with the youth. – Armaan Malik
ExperienceWilliam FeatherWisdom The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages is preserved into perpetuity by a nation’s proverbs, fables, folk sayings and quotations. – William Feather
Porter Robinson There’s so many things that can go wrong, and if I’m merely playing and not hosting a festival, none of those things reflect on me. – Porter Robinson
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