Christopher Walken Somebody said to me that I speak English almost like somebody for whom English is not their first language. – Christopher Walken English Quotes Language Quotes Speak Quotes There are people who are able to plan their career, their future, but I’ve never had any talent for that. I just do things and hope for the best. Say yes, take a chance, and sometimes it’s terrific and sometimes it’s not. I love spaghetti. And I like to cook spaghetti. And I used to eat it every day. I weighed thirty pounds more than I do now. You can’t – you can’t do that.
Gia Coppola I really learned a lot when I worked on my grandpa’s film ‘Twixt’ and got to be with him start to finish and sit next to him every day. That was my film school. – Gia Coppola
Alissa Quart The United States is the richest and also the most unequal country in the world. – Alissa Quart
Chantal KreviazukLearning I’m learning a lot about myself being alone, and doing what I’m doing. – Chantal Kreviazuk
Dale Archer The thing about post-traumatic stress disorder, we know about one in five, about 20 percent of individuals that are exposed to a direct traumatic stress will develop this disorder. – Dale Archer
Jane Elliott We don’t know anything about racism. We’ve never experienced it. If words can make a difference in your life for seven minutes, how would it affect you if you heard this every day of your life? – Jane Elliott
Dimitar Berbatov Every coach has their own philosophy for getting the best out of players, and sometimes these can seem strange to the public. – Dimitar Berbatov
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