Rickie Lee Jones Somehow credibility comes into play if you do things that are too familiar. – Rickie Lee Jones Credibility Quotes Familiar Quotes Play Quotes I’m terribly human. It’s OK to not be political unless your country is falling apart.
Jesse Ventura I follow the teachings of Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, United States Marine Corps. He won two Congressional Medals of Honor, and he wrote the highly controversial antiwar book ‘War is a Racket.’ – Jesse Ventura
AngerGreg Gutfeld The modern progressive movement believes that dissenting language is objectionable, which then removes the brakes between anger and violence. – Greg Gutfeld
Anne Campbell The sensors have many potential practical uses – in Government buildings, train carriages, cargo containers, on a soldier’s lapel – and are a thousand times cheaper than current sensors that are used for the same purpose. – Anne Campbell
Jenny Eclair Well, I really don’t like heights. I don’t get on the top deck of a double-decker because that’s a bit high for me. I always feel that I’m going to hurl myself off, so heights are a problem. – Jenny Eclair
Barbara PalvinSmile Whenever I go on the red carpet and I’m a bit nervous, I just say to myself the mantra, ‘Come on Barbara, you gotta get those pictures posted on Instagram!’ That’s all I have in my mind, like, ‘Look serious now, maybe give a little smile, but a cheeky one,’ but in the end, it’s never how it looks. – Barbara Palvin
Dave Lombardo At the moment I have my family coming out with me on the road. We have our own vehicle and it’s more like a family vacation. I just stop, do some gigs, and take off. It’s a lot more fun now with the family. – Dave Lombardo
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