Paul McCartney Someone like John would want to end the Beatle period and start the Yoko period. He wouldn’t like either to interfere with the other. – Paul McCartney Beatle Quotes Interfere Quotes John Quotes Period Quotes Start Quotes Yoko Quotes Lyricists play with words. There are only four people who knew what the Beatles were about anyway.
CarMary Wesley Twenty years ago, I was living in a lovely cottage on the edge of Dartmoor but I couldn’t afford to run a car. – Mary Wesley
CeeLo Green Twitter is a form of free speech, and I’m all for that. But if Cee Lo Green, a maverick of sorts, can’t get on Twitter and say something outlandish or outrageous, then what is the whole point of Twitter at all? – CeeLo Green
Jean Francois Paul de Gondi Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can’t understand. – Jean Francois Paul de Gondi
Ed Wood This story’s gonna grab people. It’s about this guy, he’s crazy about this girl, but he likes to wear dresses. Should he tell her? Should he not tell her? He’s torn, Georgie. This is drama. – Ed Wood
Michael Caputo I’m a Republican but I have a lot of respect for Byron Brown. He’s a gentleman. He’s bright, engaging, community-focused, and resourceful. – Michael Caputo
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