Agnes Obel Sometimes I feel like a melody doesn’t have anything to do with me, but it’s just something that comes, is accumulated from me playing on the piano, and then this little creature just appears. – Agnes Obel Accumulated Quotes Appears Quotes Creature Quotes Feel Quotes Melody Quotes Piano Quotes Playing Quotes I don’t have a classical-music mentality. I haven’t been taught that way, and it doesn’t fit my character, either. The piano and the singing are two equal things to me – maybe not inseparable but very connected. You can say they are like two equal voices.
Charley Boorman On the whole, GPS is fine but you still need maps because the information available can be different to what’s on the ground. You need to be vigilant for obstacles. – Charley Boorman
Condola Rashad I would never be in a film just for the sake of being in a film, so I am waiting for the right role to come along. – Condola Rashad
Linda Ronstadt Everywhere you go, there’s a soundtrack. You can’t really quite hear it. It’s just a little out of the range of hearing. – Linda Ronstadt
Ruth Bader Ginsburg The court generally moves in small steps rather than in one giant step. – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
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