Mj Rodriguez Sometimes I wake up, and I wear jeans; sometimes I want to wear khakis or full-on overalls. – Mj Rodriguez Fullon Quotes Jeans Quotes Khakis Quotes Overalls Quotes Wake Quotes Wear Quotes Every single day, I wake up and take a glimpse of where I am now compared to where I was before, and the work that we have all put in to be in this space. I think of that, and being able to express myself through my art and show up and be present – that’s activism, advocacy, and artistry in itself. There’s so much you can say about the ballroom scene. But, simply, it’s just a way of life. It’s a place you can live out a fantasy you never lived before.
Rhys Ifans I’m a real magpie when it comes to music; it’s all random, and there’s no pattern to what I like. – Rhys Ifans
Connie Nielsen You love your child, and you want to protect your child more than anything on this planet, and yet, by the time they’re 17, 18, they’re going to step into this world, and that world will not feel the same compunction, necessarily, toward your daughter. – Connie Nielsen
Eva ChenTeen The eight months I took off between ‘Teen Vogue’ and ‘Lucky’ afforded me such amazing opportunities, and I learned so much from so many different people – the brands that I worked with, the companies that I was consulting for. – Eva Chen
Rik Mayall I died. Which is fantastic, because I have died already; I have been there and come back. I am completely recovered, thank you. – Rik Mayall
Jason Isbell The good thing about songwriting is you don’t have to delineate between what’s true and what’s fiction; records aren’t put on the shelf that way. Books are, movies are, but records aren’t. – Jason Isbell
Kevin Plank I wanted to make the world’s greatest football undershirt. But I realized that no team sport had equipment for apparel. Apparel was an afterthought. – Kevin Plank
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