FamousFrank Ocean Sometimes I’m fascinated with how famous my work could be while I’m not so famous. – Frank Ocean Famous Quotes Fascinated Quotes A celebrity is a person who works hard all of their life to become well known, and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Super-envious of the fact that Daft Punk can wear robot helmets and be one of the most famous bands in the world, while also understanding that will never be my situation.
FoodGrant Achatz Food is a necessary component to life. People can live without Renoir, Mozart, Gaudi, Beckett, but they cannot live without food. – Grant Achatz
Jessie James Decker Eric has pro athletes on both sides of his family – plus, I used to play sports – so I’m sure our son will develop athletic ability. – Jessie James Decker
Ben Chaplin I care about all the characters I play, and I get quite defensive about them. – Ben Chaplin
Polly Toynbee In the polls, over 80% support the right to die and have done for the last 25 years. Even 80% of practising Catholics and Protestants support it, plus 76% of Church Times readers. – Polly Toynbee
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