Siegfried Lenz Sometimes, it is precisely when you discover that you are living very happily that you suddenly find yourself in danger. To be happy means to discover that you are exposed to being hurt. – Siegfried Lenz Danger Quotes Discover Quotes Exposed Quotes Happily Quotes Happy Quotes Hurt Quotes Living Quotes Precisely Quotes Suddenly Quotes I sit in my room at my desk, looking out the window to the yard and waiting for a plot to come to me, to rise slowly in my mind. One never comes into embarrassment, if one is ready to balance. To ask oneself never in embarrassment, what have you in these decades made.
Jerry Jones For me, I think that, certainly, the fact that Las Vegas has a gambling aspect to it is far overshadowed by the entertainment value, if you will, family appeal, that you have, the convention appeal. So it does not have disfavor with me, in my opinion, relative to being an NFL city. – Jerry Jones
David Lowery Making movies is hard for me. Being on set is very trying. I’m not good at being that communicative for that long. Editing is where I’m happiest. – David Lowery
Bill Parcells I don’t have to make examples out of players to establish my own place. I don’t feel like I have to. – Bill Parcells
Anne Enright I’m quite interested in the absolute roots of narrative, why we tell stories at all: where the monsters come from. – Anne Enright
BusinessJeff Fisher There’s going to be different kinds of challenges on a yearly basis. You’re going to have to overcome injuries, or you overcome a playoff loss or what have you. So there’s always challenges in this business. – Jeff Fisher
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