Janet Street-Porter Sometimes I’ve looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn’t look better as a hat. – Janet Street-Porter Food Quotes Hat Quotes Looked Quotes Plate Quotes Wondered Quotes Stress is a designer ailment that many of the so-called afflicted suffer from with pride. Blogs are for anoraks who couldn’t get published any other way.
Adolfo Perez EsquivelHistoryPeacePower For me, it is essential to have the inner peace and serenity of prayer in order to listen to the silence of God, which speaks to us, in our personal life and the history of our times, of the power of love. – Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Karen Joy Fowler Often, when you look at history, at least through the lens that many of us have looked at history – high school and college courses – a lot of the color gets bled out of it. You’re left with a time period that does not look as strange and irrational as the time you’re actually living through. – Karen Joy Fowler
Emanuel Cleaver First of all, do I think there’s some racists in the Tea Party? Yeah. I’m an ordained United Methodist pastor; there’s some racists in the Methodist church. I don’t know if there’s a body that does not have some racists in it. – Emanuel Cleaver
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