Josh HommeSmile Sometimes Queens’ music is dark, but somehow it’s ok to deliver it with a smile on your face because thing’s are still going to kick in. – Josh Homme Dark Quotes Deliver Quotes Kick Quotes Music Quotes Queens Quotes Smile Quotes Some people would rather have a lie that makes them smile than a truth that makes them cry. I’m the opposite; I’d rather have people make me cry with the truth than try to make me smile. People often expect me to be very serious, but it’s not like my record company told me not to smile in photographs, because I was like that anyway.
Larry Kramer The media in America is not covering American AIDS very much. They’re covering African AIDS as if somehow miraculously it’s all stopped here. Well, it hasn’t, and the one thing they’re not saying about Africa is that all those people are going to die; there’s no way these people can be saved – none. – Larry Kramer
Dominique CrennFood Food is language. It helped me to open up the conversation on other things. – Dominique Crenn
Ayesha Takia I was raised in a normal Gujarati style with all the restrictions and reservations. – Ayesha Takia
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