Emmanuelle Seigner Sometimes when you do big movies, you can lose sometimes a little bit of soul. – Emmanuelle Seigner Bit Quotes Lose Quotes Movies Quotes Soul Quotes Venus in Fur’ is very Polanski: you have the knife of ‘Rosemary’s Baby’; you have Thomas disguised as a woman as in ‘The Tenant,’ when Vanda puts makeup on him, it’s like ‘Cul de Sac’; the dress of Tess and other details that are very Polanski. He fell in love with the play because it was so much him. I never had the slightest desire to have cosmetic surgery – partly because I don’t want to look like an alien and partly because it’s nice to age in a way. Also, I think that if your soul is beautiful, then the rest of you stays beautiful.
Davante Adams You have to make sure you’re the best at whatever it is, and I pride myself on having good hands. – Davante Adams
Laurel Lea I want the privilege of guiding the arrows of my children and giving them the exhortations that can shoot them into the high place. – Laurel Lea
Alexander Dreymon I was in love with a girl in my class when I was in primary school, and she obviously thought I was a freak, so that wasn’t working out. And the the guys in my class, every two weeks they’d say, ‘Hey, we spoke to her, and she really likes you now. You should go and ask her again.’ And then I’d go and ask her again. – Alexander Dreymon
David LynchDiet Sugar does make people happy, but then you fall off the edge after a few minutes, so I’ve really pretty much cut it out of my diet. Except for cupcakes. I like those. – David Lynch
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