Nahnatchka Khan Sometimes you can’t really control the language around you. All you can do is follow your voice and your path – dedicate yourself to stories that matter. – Nahnatchka Khan Control Quotes Dedicate Quotes Follow Quotes Language Quotes Matter Quotes Path Quotes Stories Quotes Voice Quotes When you take stock, there are so many more choices and points of view that are necessary. In comedy, it’s so subjective; there is no right or wrong.
Christine Leunens As a writer, I’m mostly at my desk, staring out my window. No one sees me. – Christine Leunens
Shane Lowry Pro-ams in China are the strangest of anywhere, because the amateurs don’t have handicaps and everyone must play off scratch. – Shane Lowry
Marquis de LafayetteSociety The exercise of natural rights has no limits but such as will ensure their enjoyment to other members of society. – Marquis de Lafayette
Patrick O'Brian The first interviews I gave were entirely unpleasant. You have people trying to trip you up with impolite questions that have nothing to do with the books. It’s simply vulgar curiosity, and I won’t have it. – Patrick O’Brian
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