Bishop Briggs Sometimes you’re inspired by an old-school song that you want to chop up and make a sample out of it. I find that with a lot of older Motown music. – Bishop Briggs Chop Quotes Inspired Quotes Lot Quotes Motown Quotes Music Quotes Oldschool Quotes Sample Quotes Song Quotes The biggest thing that I hope people take away when they listen to my music is that they feel that there is an outlet being presented that allows them to be more authentic and for them to be more honest in their own lives. Every time I get dressed, I try to channel a little bit of Kanye West and a little bit of Sailor Moon.
Andy Beshear It’s a true honor to have the endorsement of the Kentucky Professional Fire Fighters. – Andy Beshear
Charlotte Ritchie My favorite thing is just walking around London in no direction. I love people watching. And you can turn down a street and feel suddenly as if you are in Venice, or you’ll be in a Spanish area or somewhere very English or Middle Eastern. – Charlotte Ritchie
Sammi Hanratty I started visiting schools and talking to kids about bullying and what to do and how to deal with it. I don’t think that there is one person who has lived life without being bullied. Everybody gets bullied – whether it’s cyber-bullying or to your face or behind your back. – Sammi Hanratty
Antony Johnston When someone says ‘comic book movies’, what they inevitably mean is a summer superhero blockbuster, with heavily-muscled and tightly-gluted men (plus the occasional token woman) in tight-fitting costumes punching the living daylights out of one another for two hours. – Antony Johnston
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