ChanceJuice Newton Songs like the Buck Owens tune, for example, are very simple and straightforward, and recording it really gave me a chance to get into and get a sense of Buck’s personality, a feel for that whole Bakersfield sound. – Juice Newton Bakersfield Quotes Buck Quotes Bucks Quotes Chance Quotes Feel Quotes Owens Quotes Personality Quotes Recording Quotes Sense Quotes Simple Quotes Songs Quotes Sound Quotes Straightforward Quotes Tune Quotes As a middle-class woman living in the South-east of England, I have a better chance of living a long life than almost anyone else in the country. I am just glad that I can take the music to the people who want to hear it. I love my audiences. I am deeply indebted to them for giving me the chance to sing my concerts, make records, and do what I love. Whatever people call it, it is great to have a voice!
Jonathan Scott When you have a quality mattress, great sheets, and a good duvet with the perfect fill, it all works together to give you the perfect sleep. – Jonathan Scott
Bill Viola I think we’re in an age where artists really have an incredible range of materials at their command now. They can use almost anything from household items – Jackson Pollock used house paint – to, you know, advanced computer systems, to good old oil paint and acrylic paint. – Bill Viola
ExperienceW H Auden Before people complain of the obscurity of modern poetry, they should first examine their consciences and ask themselves with how many people and on how many occasions they have genuinely and profoundly shared some experience with another. – W H Auden
Mikaela Shiffrin After many of my victories, I hear people asking me these questions: ‘What else is there to win?’ And I want to shout, ‘What do you mean, what else? There’s so much else!’ – Mikaela Shiffrin
Nathaniel Philbrick As an author of narrative history, I read a lot of history books. – Nathaniel Philbrick
Nancy Travis The Bill Engvall Show’ is a comedy about a middle-class family in the Midwest. It’s a great family show to watch if you want to laugh and unwind. – Nancy Travis
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