Abhinav Bindra Sport can never be scripted. What I had in my control was to be the best that I could be every single shot. – Abhinav Bindra Control Quotes Scripted Quotes Shot Quotes Single Quotes Sport Quotes Growing up, I was not athletic. A lot needs to be done for Indian sport and with our potential we are nowhere near where we can be.
DiogenesWisdom Wise kings generally have wise counselors; and he must be a wise man himself who is capable of distinguishing one. – Diogenes
Chris Chibnall I don’t ever want to be gratuitous, for the sake of being gratuitous, but when it serves the stories and the characters, it’s nice to be able to do that, realistically and with credibility. You don’t want to do it for the sake of it, or shoe-horn it in. But, it’s a good tool to have in the toolbox. – Chris Chibnall
Jennifer Hale I had, probably, a more challenging experience growing up than most middle-class chicks. – Jennifer Hale
Aldous Harding If people say to me, ‘So, what were you doing in Dubai in that song?’ or they spend ages comparing me to some other singer, I just shut down, I guess. – Aldous Harding
Morten Harket We’ve never been very good at servicing fans. I’m here to concentrate on music, not to be a pen pal to people who write to me. – Morten Harket
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