Keith Barry Strive for extraordinary, don’t moan, and sleep when you’re dead. – Keith Barry Dead Quotes Extraordinary Quotes Moan Quotes Sleep Quotes Strive Quotes I’m a terrible sleeper because I work all the time. I stay up late almost every night working, whether it’s on a TV or live show. I come up with new ideas, do research, watch loads of TED talks, or find psychology articles. In 2006, when doing a live stage show in Ireland, I tried for the first time to instantly induct a subject on stage, something I had never done before, nor did I know if it would ever work. The result almost cost me my career; the man I grabbed and instantly inducted went out cold and fell to the floor.
MarriageTeri Garr I refused David Letterman’s proposal of marriage for obvious reasons, but thanks for asking. – Teri Garr
Conor Oberst I think that, with anything creative, you should have the freedom to experiment, and that experimentation means not feeling totally responsible for how other people perceive it. – Conor Oberst
EnvironmentalLee R Raymond I find it interesting that many of the people who want to restrict fossil fuels live in well-developed countries where abundant and affordable energy is readily available. – Lee R Raymond
Adam Riess We’ve known for a long time that the universe is expanding. But about 15 years ago, my colleagues and I discovered that it is expanding faster and faster. That is, the universe is accelerating, and that was not expected, but it is now attributed to this mysterious stuff called dark energy which seems to make up about 70 percent of the universe. – Adam Riess
Rick Owens My father was so interested in self-awareness and learning. As he got older, though, he just became more frustrated and more bitter and the opposite of serene. – Rick Owens
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