AttitudeShawn Ashmore Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality. – Shawn Ashmore Attitude Quotes Personality Quotes Reflection Quotes Style Quotes There was always a feeling for me that it would work. That’s what keeps me going. You go in with a positive attitude and stay there, and that’s a big part of what does make it work. Surfers have the most attitude.
Johnny Christ We are just happy to be together and out and traveling the world together. – Johnny Christ
Joe Root We think it is a really important part of your journey, as an international player, that you come in and you want it to feel like it’s the pinnacle of the game. That you want to come back into that environment. You don’t want to think, ‘Well, I’d much prefer playing for Sussex,’ or your county. – Joe Root
Sean Penn I think that I’ve still not been successful at playing the role of the retired actor, and I’d like to work on that. – Sean Penn
John Carmack We were doing mobile games before the iPhone. We were doing free-to-play with ‘Quake Live.’ We wanted to do massively multiplayer stuff in the early days but didn’t have the resources to do it. – John Carmack
Gord Downie If you’re aiming for a hole in one, and you get one, you feel lucky – but at the same time you can justifiably say, ‘Well, I was aiming for the hole anyway.’ – Gord Downie
Nicholas Lea Certainly, when I walk into an audition, a lot of people already know who I am. – Nicholas Lea
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