Denis WaitleySuccess Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. – Denis Waitley Approach Quotes Dependent Quotes Drive Quotes Effort Quotes Energy Quotes Extra Quotes Persistence Quotes Required Quotes Secret Quotes Success Quotes Totally Quotes Winning Quotes Time is the most precious element of human existence. The successful person knows how to put energy into time and how to draw success from time. Our limitations and success will be based, most often, on your own expectations for ourselves. What the mind dwells upon, the body acts upon.
Keith Ellison I think that anybody who is going to be the standard-bearer, the spokesman for the progressive movement, in the context of a presidential race, has got to learn to master the language and really get their finger on the pulse of how people are feeling. I think that’s really important. – Keith Ellison
Sofia Kenin I’m not a player that’s going to grind at the baseline – I like to dictate and control the point and try to use my drop shot as a weapon. – Sofia Kenin
LegalMonica Lewinsky And understandably so, that when you’re in legal jeopardy, you really cannot put yourself in a position to open yourself up to the media. – Monica Lewinsky
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