Keith Henson Successful cult memes induce intense social interaction behaviour between cult members. This trips the attention detectors. – Keith Henson Attention Quotes Behaviour Quotes Cult Quotes Detectors Quotes Induce Quotes Intense Quotes Interaction Quotes Memes Quotes Social Quotes Successful Quotes Trips Quotes Some people recovering from drugs or alcohol stay with the programs indefinitely, making the recovery program their family, a long-term source of attention rewards. Action leads to Attention. that in the short-term releases Rewarding brain chemicals and in the long term improves reproductive success.
Roy Horn The first voice they hear is mine, the first touch they feel is mine, the first human face they see is mine. They just think I’m a strange tiger who walks on two legs. – Roy Horn
Carl Frampton My mum’s very vocal about me, aye. She’s very proud. It’s just a bit embarrassing. – Carl Frampton
Emilio Estevez In the current climate, we live in a pessimistic and non-idealistic world. – Emilio Estevez
Rubina Dilaik I have always felt responsible for every character I played, devoting myself to learning everything about the craft. – Rubina Dilaik
Kathy Griffin The thing that cracks me up is how these reality characters start out thrilled and excited just to be on television, and how they move to thinking they are as big as the Friends. – Kathy Griffin
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