Mahathir Mohamad Sudden change, even if it is for the good, is disruptive. – Mahathir Mohamad Change Quotes Disruptive Quotes Sudden Quotes The thinning of the ozone layer is blamed on logging of tropical forests. The fact that the burning of fossil fuels and release of CFCs (chloro-fluoro-carbons) into the atmosphere occur largely in the rich countries are significantly ignored. I believe that every leader has a right to implement his own policy. But when I see things that are done that are not right – abuse of power, wrong approaches, wrong strategies, making use of foreign consultants, including those discarded by other countries – I feel that I have to have my say.
James Dobson I don’t blame homosexuals for being angry when people say they’ve made a choice to be gay, because they don’t. – James Dobson
Dito Montiel To me, the screenplay only becomes the Bible of the film after the actors have been cast. You go over the initial script with them and listen to the way they talk. Then you try to do a rewrite to accommodate them. – Dito Montiel
Shepard Smith I come from a place where we feel like we’re not represented in the national media. – Shepard Smith
Charles Kennedy It is true that I entered parliament at the age of 23, and have now been representing the people of my constituency for over twenty years. – Charles Kennedy
Joaquin Phoenix I becan acting when River was doing this TV series and they needed two kids for the show, so they got me and my little sister, Summer, to do it. After that I did some really weird guest spots with orangutans and stuff. – Joaquin Phoenix
Amruta KhanvilkarDiet I thought that losing weight by following a strict diet will make me more flexible and feel more confident about my body. I have become so used to the routine now and have fallen in love with my body that I would want to follow it forever. – Amruta Khanvilkar
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