John Steinbeck Syntax, my lad. It has been restored to the highest place in the republic. – John Steinbeck Lad Quotes Republic Quotes Restored Quotes Syntax Quotes Writers are a little below clowns and a little above trained seals. It is true that we are weak and sick and ugly and quarrelsome but if that is all we ever were, we would millenniums ago have disappeared from the face of the earth.
Rob Riggle In the Marine Corps, I was used to people doing what they said and saying what they mean. There was a higher purpose and calling in the Corps. Everyone works toward accomplishing something together, and there’s a common goal. In entertainment, the same isn’t always true. You’re in it for yourself in Hollywood. – Rob Riggle
Pooja Bhatt I don’t leave things like recovery to chance! I have learned from the best, after all – my father and uncle! – Pooja Bhatt
Shawn Spears A great deal of WWE Superstars, like Dolph Ziggler, Bray Wyatt, Baron Corbin, Sheamus, Braun Strowman, The Miz, etc., came from WWE’s developmental system, and I’ve had the privilege of working with them over the years. – Shawn Spears
Rock Hudson I’m notorious for giving a bad interview. I’m an actor and I can’t help but feel I’m boring when I’m on as myself. – Rock Hudson
Joey Jordison Making the ‘Sulfur’ video continued our quest to make a video different and visually stimulating. – Joey Jordison
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