Steve Case I continue to have a special pride and passion for AOL, and I strongly believe that AOL – once the leading Internet company in the world – can return to its past greatness. – Steve Case
Steve Case Because I do think – not just in building AOL – but just the world in which we live is a very confusing, rapidly changing world where technology has accelerated. – Steve Case
Steve Case I think it took us nine years to get one million subscribers to AOL, and then in the next nine years we went from one million to 35 million. – Steve Case
Steve Case I think the support of the other team at AOL and everybody’s really shared passion and belief about this and – saying that some day everybody was going to be on line. – Steve Case
Stephen Collins Well I’m a longtime AOL subscriber and I love the whole thing. I’m an email junkie and I love the internet, though 7th Heaven doesn’t give me much free time to surf these days. – Stephen Collins
Roy Hibbert I’m not gonna lie. I used to be in AOL chat rooms a lot causing trouble back when you had dial-up modems. – Roy Hibbert
Robin Sloan When I was 14, I spent a huge amount of time on the Internet, but not the Internet we know today. It was 1994, so while the World Wide Web existed, it wasn’t generally accessible. Prodigy and CompuServe were popular, and AOL was on the rise, but I didn’t have access to the web, and no one I knew had access to the web. – Robin Sloan
Reed Hastings Most companies that are great at something – like AOL dialup or Borders bookstores – do not become great at new things people want (streaming for us) because they are afraid to hurt their initial business. – Reed Hastings
Randy Falco Put simply, my vision for AOL is to build the largest and most sophisticated global advertising network while we grow the size and engagement of our worldwide audience. – Randy Falco
Randy Falco I have been reorganizing and restructuring AOL: changing the strategy and rebuilding it from scratch in the worst economy in a generation. – Randy Falco
Randy Falco Having spent two years at AOL, I would love to be able to go back to that industry knowing what I know, and I think I would be able to help the traditional media side to better understand what is coming at them, how to deal with it. – Randy Falco
Ram Shriram I remember when AOL was small and they were growing like mad. Consumers were coming on in droves because they made it easy to connect to the Internet. That was the single biggest innovation of AOL; when grandmas were signing up, AOL had arrived. – Ram Shriram