Steve Mollenkopf Power, of course, is very important, but really, there’s a bundle of technologies you have to have to make sure they’re highly integrated, so you have to have modem, you have to have connectivity, you have to have GPS, you have to have graphics, you have to have CPU. – Steve Mollenkopf
Steve Mollenkopf The internet business model changed dramatically. You would never have an Uber, you would never had an Instagram, if you didn’t have a connected computer in your pocket that didn’t also have a camera or a GPS. – Steve Mollenkopf
Rutger Bregman Literally every single sliver of technology that makes the iPhone a smartphone instead of a stupidphone – internet, GPS, touchscreen, battery, hard drive, voice recognition – was developed by researchers on the government payroll. – Rutger Bregman
Robert Love Mobile devices such as Android and the iPhone achieve their battery life largely because they can aggressively and quickly enter into and exit from sleep states. GPS prevents this. – Robert Love
Rachel Bilson I like everything European. Even my GPS has a British accent – it’s way less annoying than the American one. – Rachel Bilson
Philip Schultz I know it sounds strange to say, but the very technologies that have made traveling easier for most people – GPS, automated ticket machines, online schedules and ticketing, boarding passes you can print out at home – have actually made things harder for me. – Philip Schultz
Paul Bloom Some of the natural world is appealing, some of it is terrifying, and some of it grosses us out. Modern people don’t want to be dropped naked into a swamp. We want to tour Yosemite with our water bottles and G.P.S. devices. The natural world is a source of happiness and fulfillment, but only when prescribed in the right doses. – Paul Bloom
Mike May I started accessible GPS research in 1994 and the first version became available on a laptop in 2000. – Mike May
Matthew Yglesias It’s rare that you have a policy issue that can be solved by throwing more money at the problem, but the technology to make bus service more frequent and equip buses with GPS systems that provide real-time schedule updates to bus stops exists and operates in many parts of the world. We should be installing it in our major cities. – Matthew Yglesias
Matt Hancock I’ve said that the era of the inevitable closure of community hospitals is over because I want community hospitals increasingly to become community health hubs where you have the physios, some of the day cases, the GPs, mental health services and some of the charity-provided services like Aid UK. – Matt Hancock
Mahathir Mohamad MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft. It was built and equipped by Boeing. All the communications and GPS equipment must have been installed by Boeing. If they failed or have been disabled, Boeing must know how it can be done. – Mahathir Mohamad