Steve Kornacki When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the modern Southern GOP was born. – Steve Kornacki
Robert Dallek Historians partial to Kennedy see matters differently from those partial to L.B.J. Vietnam has become a point of contention in defending and criticizing J.F.K. – Robert Dallek
Michael McKean I was working with Bryan Cranston in ‘All the Way.’ We were about to make an entrance together – I was Hoover, he was LBJ – and he says to me, ‘You should play the brother in ‘Better Call Saul.’ I was like ‘What?’ and it was time to go on. I’m doing the scene, and I can’t think of what Hoover’s supposed to say. – Michael McKean
Michael Beschloss Mrs. Johnson was one of our most important First Ladies. Quietly but firmly, she advised LBJ on rhetoric, strategy, and personal relations and helped to dampen his volatile mood swings. – Michael Beschloss
Katharine Weymouth My grandmother knew J.F.K. and L.B.J. That was her world. I enjoy meeting interesting people. But that’s not my world. – Katharine Weymouth
Helen Thomas I covered two presidents, LBJ and Nixon, who could no longer convince, persuade, or govern, once people had decided they had no credibility, but we seem to be more tolerant now of what I think we should not tolerate. – Helen Thomas
Barbara Barrie I’m from Texas, so I’m an LBJ fan. He passed more civil-rights bills than any other president. He made a mistake in Vietnam, but who didn’t? – Barbara Barrie