Steve Forbes The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy, maintain its rule with force, but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao. – Steve Forbes
Stephen Moore Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, Pol Pot, Antifa, Castro, Che Guevara and the like use power to reduce the sanctity of the individual for the common good of the collective. It is a kind of enslavement that degrades the human spirit and makes us poorer over time. – Stephen Moore
Liu Xiaobo In my view, Reform and Opening Up began with the abandonment of the ‘using class struggle as guiding principle’ government policy of the Mao era and, in its place, a commitment to economic development and social harmony. – Liu Xiaobo
Lester Bangs Basically no, I mean I think that it’s very easy to like I say, smoke a joint or even to wear a Chairman Mao button, or do a lot of these things with out knowing what’s behind it, and what it really means. – Lester Bangs
Lester Bangs It’s much easier to wear a Chairman Mao button and shake your fists in the air and all that, then to actually read the Communist manifesto and things like that and actually become involved in politics. – Lester Bangs
Karan Mahajan Terrorists are people, too – they are given to error. Naipaul and then DeLillo do a good job in their novels of drawing this out: I’m thinking of DeLillo’s contention in ‘Mao II’ that terrorists have replaced writers as the people who ‘alter the inner-life of the culture.’ I thought that was marvellous! – Karan Mahajan
Jung Chang When I was in China, Mao was Chairman, and parents were terrified to tell their children anything that differed from the party line in case the children repeated it and endangered the whole family. – Jung Chang
Jung Chang The Chinese seemed to be mourning Mao in a heartfelt fashion. But I wondered how many of their tears were genuine. People had practiced acting to such a degree that they confused it with their true feelings. – Jung Chang
Jung Chang It’s taken us 10 years, and it was constant excitement. I was constantly shocked by how evil he could be. Mao was very, very shrewd but he didn’t have human feeling. – Jung Chang
Jung Chang If children were brought up to become non-conformists it would only ruin their lives. So parents all over China who loved their children told them to do as Chairman Mao said. It was not possible to tell them anything else. – Jung Chang
Jung Chang I no longer have the terrible nightmares that I used to have. Mao had just died in 1976, and China began to open up. For the first time scholarships to go to the West to study were awarded on academic merit. – Jung Chang