Robin Leach Back on Nov. 23, 1963, I sailed into Manhattan Harbor onboard the Queen Mary and landed with no job and contacts and just $135 in my pocket. My first lodging was in a rundown hotel for $27 a week with the bathroom down the end of a corridor of beds. – Robin Leach
Puneet Issar In 2017 I started writing ‘Mahabharat An Epic Tale’ and it took me two years to write it and prepare the production with Rahul Bhuchar of Felicity theatre, and we launched it on the 17th of Nov 2018 and it was a super success. – Puneet Issar
Nigel Hamilton I became an American on Nov. 4, 2010, at an elegant ceremony in Great Hall of Bullfinch’s Faneuil Hall, Boston, beneath a vast painting of Daniel Webster debating the preservation of the Union with Robert Hayne of South Carolina, before the Civil War. – Nigel Hamilton
Mohamedou Ould Slahi They dedicated the whole time until around Nov. 10, 2003 to questioning me about Canada and Sept. 11; they didn’t ask me a single question about Germany, where I really had the center of gravity of my life. – Mohamedou Ould Slahi
Matthew Stewart At the decisive Boston town meeting of Nov. 29, 1773, while ships loaded with cargo from the East India Company idled in the harbor, Thomas Young was the first and only speaker to propose that the best way to protest the new Tea Act was to dump the tea into the water. – Matthew Stewart
John Dickerson In the end, Obama won, stealing the change message from John Edwards and beating back Hillary Clinton’s focus on experience. And the race turned on a remarkable speech Obama gave on the night of Nov. 10, 2007, in Des Moines. – John Dickerson
Howard Carter These ancient huts were soon cleared of the rubbish covering them. I planned them, and removed them for investigation below, which undertaking took until the fourth of Nov. – Howard Carter
George William Norris The first war zone was declared by Great Britain. She gave us and the world notice of it on the 4th day of November, 1914. The zone became effective Nov. 5, 1914. – George William Norris
Chuck Todd If Barack Obama goes on to win the election, there will be plenty of ink and video spent on chronicling the historic nature of the turnout among young voters and African-Americans. But as important as both constituencies have been to Obama – particularly in the primaries – it’s Hispanics that could be putting him over the top on Nov. 4. – Chuck Todd