Roseanne Barr Women complain about PMS, but I think of it as the only time of the month when I can be myself. – Roseanne Barr
Reham Khan I think Imran has the tendency to pick the worst qualities from other politicians. What I meant when I told him to follow Modi’s model was that gain experience of being a CM for ten years in a challenging province and then target the PM’s chair. – Reham Khan
Regina Brett Almost every month, I have a day where I get stuck in the mud of me. I used to blame hormones and PMS. After I hit 50, I blamed the lack of hormones. But men get stuck, too, so it must simply be the human condition. – Regina Brett
Raj Thackeray A good man should be on the PM’s chair. The country’s condition should improve. Only because of this I have supported Modi. You may call it a masterstroke or anything else. – Raj Thackeray
Jo Johnson It’s been an honour to represent Orpington for 9 years & to serve as a minister under three PMs. – Jo Johnson
Jane Ridley The main reason why historians have skated over the relationship of Victorian PMs with the press is that they haven’t been looking for it. It takes a lecturer in media studies such as Paul Brighton to point out that media management was part of the job of a Victorian prime minister. – Jane Ridley