Sarah Mlynowski Even though I knew my way around Facebook, Twitter terrified me. RT? OH? Hootsuite? Huh? My Twitter-savvy friends attempted to explain what a hashtag was, but, still mystified, I signed up for an online Twitter 101 class. Yes. I’m geeky like that. – Sarah Mlynowski
Margarita Simonyan RT was one of the first channels to cover the Wikileaks story and to interview Julian Assange a long time ago, way before it made headlines around the globe. – Margarita Simonyan
Margarita Simonyan When the world normalizes, everything is going to be fine with RT. When the U.S. and Russia get along again – and I don’t see any deep reasons why we shouldn’t get along… we are going to work normally like a normal news organization. – Margarita Simonyan
Margarita Simonyan I’m so tired of this argument that all we ever do is under Kremlin orders and so and so forth. Tell me, how is it possible? I am not on the air. If you watch RT, you will see that all of our shows are hosted by people to whom it would be impossible to tell them anything. – Margarita Simonyan
Ethan Zuckerman On Twitter, if you want to quote someone else, you say, ‘RT, re-tweet, that person’s name, and then what they said before.’ And it’s a way of essentially saying, ‘I’m not saying this, but my friend said this and I thought this was interesting.’ – Ethan Zuckerman
Ed Schultz RT completes the picture of the events in the U.S. and around the globe, giving viewers access to a range of stories, voices, and opinions and a real opportunity to speak their minds. – Ed Schultz