Renee Olstead Taking away from someone else will never make you any better. – Renee Olstead Quotes Picking a best friend who stands up for what she believes in, is true to herself and allows you to be yourself without judgement of how ‘cool’ you are? Well, now you’re picking a friend for life.
Abhishek Bachchan Every actor has his own identity. I don’t aspire to be Bond. My quest is to do something new, something different. – Abhishek Bachchan
Ralphie May There’s certain stock lines that, you know, like heckler lines, you know, like, where did you learn to whisper, a helicopter, you know? Nobody owns those. I mean, someone first wrote it but it’s been so universally used that it’s common and it’s called stock. – Ralphie May
Sandra Cisneros I think people should read fairy tales, because we’re hungry for a mythology that will speak to our fears. – Sandra Cisneros
Conor McPherson I guess I’m attracted and repelled by isolation. It scares me. And it’s why I tend to write about older characters, too, because for them the stakes are somewhat higher. – Conor McPherson
Jain I’m from a little town from the south tip of France, to be able to play in Coachella and meet other artists from all over the world and to connect with people that I love from my hometown is something amazing. – Jain
Scott Gottlieb One thing about Covid-19 is clear: We don’t fully understand its severity and transmission. At various turns, we’ve both underestimated and overestimated the virus. – Scott Gottlieb
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