ArchitectureMusicSteve Martin Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. – Steve Martin Architecture Quotes Dancing Quotes Music Quotes Steve Martin Quotes Talking Quotes Oratory is the masterful art. Poetry, painting, music, sculpture, architecture please, thrill, inspire – but oratory rules. The orator dominates those who hear him, convinces their reason, controls their judgment, compels their action. For the time being, he is master. If architecture is frozen music then music must be liquid architecture.
Rahm Emanuel In millions of encounters each year between the police and the public, it may be too much to expect that every officer will always get it right. But it is not too much to expect that we can put the right safeguards in place to hold officers accountable when they get it wrong. – Rahm Emanuel
Paul Begala One of the problems we saw in the last presidential election in our party is that our nominee, while winning the election, which we ought never to forget, often lost sight of the difference between strategy and tactics. – Paul Begala
Dustin Johnson I’m pretty close with a lot of guys, like Nick Watney and Steve Marino, D.J. Trahan and Charlie Warren. – Dustin Johnson
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