Matt BluntTechnology Taxpayers deserve a government that harnesses technology to better serve the people. – Matt Blunt Deserve Quotes Government Quotes Harnesses Quotes People Quotes Serve Quotes Taxpayers Quotes Technology Quotes If I have one technology tip of the day, it’s this: No matter how good the video on YouTube is, don’t read the comments, just don’t, because it will make you hate all humans. In spite of advances in technology and changes in the economy, state government still operates on an obsolete 1970s model. We have a typewriter government in an Internet age.
Ann Cotton I hear, ‘But why do poor people make such bad decisions?’ But actually, their decision-making can be far more complex than that of the better-off in many ways. They’re not financially illiterate: they’re constantly weighing up choices based on the reality of poverty. Somehow the international development community has resisted accepting this. – Ann Cotton
Jay Inslee As governor of Washington, I’ve seen firsthand what’s possible when you invest in clean energy – reducing carbon pollution and supporting family-wage jobs that are growing twice as fast as those in any other industry. – Jay Inslee
Robin Marantz Henig Hardships of early human life favored the evolution of certain cognitive tools, among them the ability to infer the presence of organisms that might do harm, to come up with causal narratives for natural events and to recognize that other people have minds of their own with their own beliefs, desires and intentions. – Robin Marantz Henig
Caryl Chessman The price I have personally paid for these extra Sisyphean years has been prohibitive. – Caryl Chessman
Sarah Greene I’m not really scared of getting work. I gave up worrying about that a long time ago because there’s no point. I’m very much about living in the moment and taking each day as it comes. – Sarah Greene
Gigi HadidHumorTime We get to live in a time that we get to use social media as a tool. It’s not just a face on a piece of paper, and that’s what makes you someone’s favorite model. We can have a very similar sense of humor as someone, and that’s why we’re their favorite model, or our personal style, off the runway, is why we’re their favorite. – Gigi Hadid
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