Betsy DeVosRespect Teaching is hard. It takes a lot of skill. Not everyone who tries can do it well. We need to admit that and act accordingly. We should reward and respect great teachers by paying them more, and we should stop rewarding seniority over effectiveness. – Betsy DeVos Admit Quotes Effectiveness Quotes Hard Quotes Lot Quotes Paying Quotes Respect Quotes Reward Quotes Rewarding Quotes Seniority Quotes Skill Quotes Takes Quotes Teachers Quotes Teaching Quotes My parents always encouraged me and I had a good home life. We were always taught to respect things and other people. It’s so different today, because children are just not taught the right way. To possess dignity is to be worthy of respect. Worthy of high esteem. Absorb this: you are worthy of respect.
Helen FisherJealousy Why do we feel jealousy? Therapists often regard the demon as a scar of childhood trauma or a symptom of a psychological problem. And it’s true that people who feel inadequate, insecure, or overly dependent tend to be more jealous than others. – Helen Fisher
Susan George Having enough to eat, being able to educate your children, have reasonably stable employment, and being able to live in a society which isn’t collapsing around you-all of these things have been generally eroded. – Susan George
Domenico DolceHomeMorning My morning routine is quite common: I have breakfast at home while reading the newspaper, I take a shower, get dressed, a spray of cologne, and I am ready to go! – Domenico Dolce
ExperienceMilton Friedman The only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience. – Milton Friedman
Maureen Forrester If somebody asks me to recommend a young, good singer, I always do. – Maureen Forrester
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