Sextus Propertius Tell me who is able to keep his bed chaste, or which goddess is able to live with one god alone? – Sextus Propertius Bed Quotes Chaste Quotes God Quotes Goddess Quotes Live Quotes Every man now worships gold, all other reverence being done away. Although strength should fail, the effort will deserve praise. In great enterprises the attempt is enough.
Bruce Springsteen The name ‘Boss’ started with people that worked for me… It was not meant like Boss, capital B, it was meant like ‘Boss, where’s my dough this week?’ And it was sort of just a term among friends. I never really liked it. – Bruce Springsteen
Jeff Grubb The original ‘Guild Wars’ was heavily instanced: you’d have these outposts where everybody was in, but as soon as you got out of town, it became very lonely very fast because you were going for an instance of you and your party. – Jeff Grubb
Jimmy Webb I’ve been fortunate that when Frank Sinatra was in concert, he would say, ‘Here’s a song by a wonderful young songwriter, Jimmy Webb,’ and I’d be in the front row and stand up. That gets people talking about you. – Jimmy Webb
Kajol Films are not the sole area in my life. Films are a passion. But it’s not like I’ll die if I don’t get another movie. I’ll grow, I’ll flourish, I’ll learn something new, but I’ll always do something that I like. If I get the right film, I’ll do it. I will not compromise for anything else. – Kajol
Markwayne MullinPolitics I didn’t have any idea what politics was like. I was surprised at how difficult it is to get something done. In the private world, if I have an idea, I just do it. – Markwayne Mullin
DeathHopePearl S Buck Life without idealism is empty indeed. We just hope or starve to death. – Pearl S Buck
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