Francis Quarles Temper your enjoyments with prudence, lest there be written on your heart that fearful word ‘satiety.’ – Francis Quarles Enjoyments Quotes Fearful Quotes Heart Quotes Prudence Quotes Satiety Quotes Temper Quotes Word Quotes Written Quotes Fear nothing but what thy industry may prevent; be confident of nothing but what fortune cannot defeat; it is no less folly to fear what is impossible to be avoided than to be secure when there is a possibility to be deprived. It is the lot of man but once to die.
Mikhail Bakunin To my utter despair I have discovered, and discover every day anew, that there is in the masses no revolutionary idea or hope or passion. – Mikhail Bakunin
Marion Marechal-Le Pen I believe Jean-Marie Le Pen is a man of his word, and he will not go back on his words. – Marion Marechal-Le Pen
Glenn Beck The majority does not rule in America, but the minority shouldn’t hijack it. And it’s because we’re afraid. They have isolated us and made us feel as though we’re alone. We’re not. – Glenn Beck
Joanna Lumley I was 21 and had been going out with my boyfriend for two years when I found out I was pregnant – despite being told by doctors that I was sterile. Jamie’s father and I hadn’t discussed marriage, and to me, it wasn’t something to be entered into just to stop gossip. – Joanna Lumley
Darell Hammond Toddlers need to get off the soccer field and onto the playground. Children need to get out of the gym and into neighborhood stickball games. We need to give kids room to create their own rules, set their own terms, and move their bodies in their own ways. – Darell Hammond
Markieff Morris Honestly, Detroit really wasn’t on my list. I really didn’t look into it much until I sat down with my brother and looked at the roster. It was kind of a perfect fit. – Markieff Morris
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