Tahar Rahim Thanks to ‘A Prophet,’ I’m known in a lot of countries. – Tahar Rahim Countries Quotes Lot Quotes Prophet Quotes Movies don’t have borders. Some kids go walking in the mountains, but I just went to the cinema. So when I told my parents I wanted to be an actor, even though this wasn’t normal for Arab kids or anyone in the town, they were sort of expecting it and were very supportive.
Rahul VaidyaRelationship Love fades away after a point but it’s each other’s temperament that keeps the relationship strong and on. If you have a sense of loyalty and belonging, you’ll sail through. – Rahul Vaidya
Roisin Conaty Stand-up is one of the art forms where you don’t have to look nice, and I hope it stays that way. – Roisin Conaty
Deb Haaland The GOP wants to cut funding for birth control, place undue burdens on clinics that serve low income women and families, and defund Planned Parenthood. – Deb Haaland
Robert Hilburn The first time I saw Pearl Jam, I thought Eddie Vedder had seen too many Jim Morrison videos, and I didn’t like the music very much. But by the third album, I really liked them after all. – Robert Hilburn
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