Boots Riley That existential crisis is something you rarely see portrayed by black characters; the idea that people think about their own existence and that they have hopes and dreams is taken away from people of color in their representation. – Boots Riley Black Quotes Characters Quotes Color Quotes Crisis Quotes Dreams Quotes Existence Quotes Existential Quotes Hopes Quotes Idea Quotes People Quotes Portrayed Quotes Rarely Quotes Representation Quotes My father joined the NAACP when he was 12, in the ’50s. He was part of the organizing efforts that led to some of the first sit-ins in North Carolina. Art can end up answering questions or asking questions. But when it’s not connected to actual movements, it doesn’t ask the right questions.
Kent Haruf In terms of showing their emotions and acting on them, my women characters are a lot more advanced than the men. – Kent Haruf
Ed Harris If I’m daring at all, I guess it would be emotionally. I try to keep things interesting for myself and to do things that challenge me. – Ed Harris
Danny Pino I have my great grandmother’s recipe for black beans, all the way from Cuba, and I know how to make those. I’m actually pretty good at it now. But my first time, the beans actually exploded in the pot, so I had black beans just dripping from the ceiling – which is actually a dream come true for most Cubans. It was a nightmare to clean. – Danny Pino
Austin Carlile It’s disheartening to read the really negative stuff, but at the same time, I know who I am, and I’m comfortable with myself. – Austin Carlile
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