Frank Moore Colby That is the consolation of a little mind; you have the fun of changing it without impeding the progress of mankind. – Frank Moore Colby Changing Quotes Consolation Quotes Fun Quotes Impeding Quotes Mankind Quotes Mind Quotes Progress Quotes I have found some of the best reasons I ever had for remaining at the bottom simply by looking at the men at the top. We always carry out by committee anything in which any one of us alone would be too reasonable to persist.
Mitch Grassi I feel like my brand and Pentatonix brand sometimes don’t really… they clash a little bit. – Mitch Grassi
Anita Borg None of these devices address that women keep track of many people’s lives, not just their own. – Anita Borg
Louie Anderson When I say, ‘I can’t stay long, I’m in-between meals,’ that plays differently on the radio than it does in person. So I have to pick material that works because the words are funny, not just because of the images. – Louie Anderson
Carl Paladino Three thousand people died at ground zero. Their families are entitled to a little bit of respect, to respect the memory of those poor people that died there. And how about the families of all those soldiers that died in the two ensuing wars? Aren’t they entitled to a little bit of respect – the kids, the wives, the parents? – Carl Paladino
Alex Azar Obamacare imposed an unprecedented level of regulation and standardization on individual-market health insurance all across America. This has left many consumers in an intolerable predicament – in some cases, having to spend up to a third or even half of their income on premiums and deductibles before insurance kicks in. – Alex Azar
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